Mission Impossible? Restoring Public Trust In The Police Response To Rape


In England and Wales, the policing of rape is in permacrisis. Low charge rates, poor treatment of victim-survivors and scandals of police-perpetrated sexual violence and domestic abuse produce a bleak picture. Senior police leaders have pledged reform but are yet to find a way of turning the tide. This lecture provides a critical examination of the problem of police responses to rape. Hohl reflects on the journey of putting academic theory into police practice within Operation Soteria Bluestone, a ground-breaking police-academic collaboration credited with radically improving rape charge rates in England and Wales. But is it enough to gain rape victim’s confidence and repair public trust in the police?


Katrin Hohl OBE is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at City and inaugural Lord Mayor’s Fellow at City St George’s, University of London. Hohl was joint academic lead of Operation Soteria Bluestone and is the independent advisor to the UK government on the rape review.